The 6 pack…It’s the desire for most men and women. The ultimate symbol of fitness and a sexy physique.

It’s mysteries and secrets have eluded so many before, but not you. Not any more.

In this article you’ll find a 6 pack home workout plan. It’ll show you how to attain the coveted six pack not for vanity’s sake but for personal achievement, confidence and overall happiness with who you are as a person. If you can hit your goals, what can’t you do?

First we’ll look at how to get in a good ab workout from home, then shine a light on nutrition, looking next at the benefits of working out abs (other than looks) and then a proven 6 pack home workout plan.


How to get in a good ab workout at home

Man doing ab exercise

To get a true 6-pack you must reduce body fat enough while carving out your lower and upper abs. No gym equipment is required to get in a good ab workout, which makes it a perfect routine to try at home. What’s the secret to getting in a good ab workout to receive results? There is no secret, you just need to incorporate the following:

  • Great ab workouts
  • Nutrient-rich diet
  • Consume fewer calories

First, you should include a 6 pack home workout plan into your normal workout routine.

I had issues with trying to sculpt my lower abs. I was doing cardio and heavy weight-lifting, but I still could not firm up my lower abs. Finally, I realized I had to specifically target my ab area.

A major way to achieve ultimate ab results at home is to target your core region with a six pack workout plan at home. This workout plan should include targeted upper and lower ab exercises. It is recommended for the best results that you target your core muscles 2-3 times a week.

A good ab workout at home includes a variety of exercises. It may be tempting just to incorporate crunches but crunches alone will not do the job. Exercises like planks, sit-ups, and hanging hanging leg raises are great additions to add to a six pack workout plan at home.



Nutrition & Diet

Eggs blueberries avocado

Another reason I was not receiving my desired ab goals is that my diet was not balanced. I would work out multiple times a week and only see limited gains. This was in part due to the foods I was consuming. They have a great impact on your weight loss, muscle gain, and ab formation.

Abs are partly made in the kitchen. It is important to know that certain foods can boost your metabolism and aid in the quicker burning of fats and some foods stifle your progress. Be sure to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet while you are doing your 6 pack home workout plan.

To help maximize your home workout and the results you will receive, stay away from sugars and fatty foods. You may be surprised at how slightly changing your diet can help to improve the effectiveness of your ab workout.

So, the best way to get in a good ab workout at home is to do a variety of core exercises and to monitor your diet.


Benefits of Working Out The Abs

Man in gym shirtless

Of course, we all love the way abs look. They help to boost our confidence and we love to show them all. Not only are abs a great physical feature, working out your abs have tremendous benefits as well.

The top benefits of working out the abs are:

  • Reduced lower back pain
  • Improved posture
  • Firmer and slimmer waistline
  • Improved sports performance
  • Better breathing

I can testify to the benefits listed above. When I took control of my health and begin to seriously workout and target my abs, the benefits started to flourish. It took no time for my waist to become firmer and for my upper body posture to look better.



The Best 6 Pack Home Workout Plan

Man pointing to abs

Remember, the key to great ab workout at home is variety. Doing the right exercises can help you build an amazing 6 pack. The following is a home workout plan that focuses on your abs. you do not need any machinery, but it is recommended that you use dumbbells for some of the exercises.

For the best results, do the exercises as a circuit. Be sure to stick to the recommended sets and reps. Practice good breathing and pay close attention to your posture. Let’s go!


  1. Straight-Leg Raise

Recommendations: 10-15 reps

  • To begin this exercise, lay straight on your back
  • Put your hands to your sides, or you can also place them by your head
  • Put your feet together and raise them high
  • Your legs should remain straight
  • Keep the tension in your core, specifically your lower ab region
  • Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. Control this movement

Straight-leg raises targets your lower abs. It is a great exercise to incorporate into your 6 pack routine.


  1. Russian Twist

Recommendations: 10-15 reps reps, use weighted dumbbells

  • Start this exercise by sitting on the floor
  • Bend your knees and slightly raise your feet
  • Twist to the right side, return to the middle and twist to the left side
  • Once you return by to the middle from one full rotation this equals 1 rep

A Russian twist targets your side abs. While doing this exercise try to keep your feet elevated, this will better help to sculpt your abs. by lifting your feet you put more tension on your core. Adding dumbbells increases the intensity of the workout.


  1. Firm V-Sit

Recommendations: 10-15 reps

  • The starting point for this exercise is a sitting position. Very similar to the Russian twist position
  • Lay down and place your fingers near your head
  • Your feet should be lifted off the floor
  • Now, pull your knees towards your chest
  • As you pull your knees in, crunch your upper body forward so that your elbows extend past your knees
  • Next, keeping your body firm and tight, lower your feet and upper back in the direction of the floor
  • Never let your feet and back touch the floor, this completes 1 rep

A V-sit is a great upper abs home workout. It helps to strengthen your core. A great tip for this exercise is to keep the tension and firmness in your core tight.


  1. T-Raise

Recommendations: 10-15 reps each side, use a dumbbell

  • To begin this exercise, lay flat on your stomach and put a dumbbell in each hand (if you do not have a dumbbell you can do this exercise with one)
  • Now, raise as if you were doing a press-up. Hold this position
  • Lift the weight in your right arm straight up, use your torso to help you lift the weight up
  • Follow the weight with your head for the best form
  • Bring your arm back down and do the same movement with the left arm

The t-raise is another excellent upper abs home workout. It helps your core. Adding dumbbells to this exercise is useful in enhancing your results.t Try to keep your arms straight and tight while performing this workout.


  1. Mountain Climbers

Recommendations: 25 reps

  • Begin this exercise in a push-up position
  • Keep your form and make sure your hips do not sag
  • Bring one knee up in a driving motion as if you were doing high knees laying down
  • Your knee should come forward towards your elbow.
  • Next return to the beginning position and repeats the motion with your other leg

Mountain climbers are good for your core. You should aim to keep your reps fast but keep control of your body.


  1. Planks With Hip Dip

Recommendations: 15 reps

  • Lay flat on the floor and then slightly raise your body off the floor
  • You elbow should be flat on the ground
  • Hold this position while squeezing your abs and but
  • Now, dip your right hip to the right side. Do not touch the floor
  • Next, reverse this exact movement to your left side
  • When you complete a dip on the right and then on the left, this is 1 full rep

This workout is amazing for transverse abs and your obliques.



I am not a doctor and do not recommend anything on this site, or blog post, for anyone without consulting with their doctor first. Please read the privacy policy for more information.

The information in this article is for educational and entertainment reasons, it should not be interpreted as medical advice or as a recommendation for a specific treatment. Always talk to your doctor and in the event of a medical emergency one should seek the help of a qualified and licensed health care provider.

Workout Precautions

If you’re working out at home make sure you have an open and safe area to exercise. If you have any medical ailments, or are a beginner without the supervision of a fitness professional, please consult with your physician before engaging in any new exercise program.

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