Millions of people are working out at home more these days.

It’s convenient, provides a non-judgmental atmosphere and can be custom to your exact needs.

A part of a complete workout program includes exercising the back. In this article we’ll look at how to workout the back from home, 4 benefits of a strong back and a home workout for back with and without equipment.


Home Workout For Back

How To Work Out Your Back From Home

People assume they’ll need fancy gym equipment to properly work out their back, but there are a lot of exercises you can do that require nothing more than good form and positioning; optional 1 to 2 pieces of home workout equipment.

Before getting started with your at home workout for back, you’ll want to have an open space to work out in.

Having good form and control is essential to properly work any muscles, but it is especially beneficial for getting the most out of your home workout for back muscles. When performing any exercise, you’ll want to use slow and deliberate motions. Don’t just power through quickly and jerk your body around as you blast through the exercise. That will just tire you out and strain your muscles, and won’t really help with building muscle properly at all. The consistent resistance you get from slow and deliberate motions is what gives your muscles a good work out, and leads to the best results when looking to build and tone muscles.

Simply doing the motions without weights is enough to start if you’re not accustomed to working with weights. Don’t feel discouraged if you have trouble with even the lighter weights. Use it as motivation and set yourself a goal to work towards.


4 Benefits of Working Out the Back

There are plenty of benefits to working out your back muscles, many of which you’ll begin to notice even as soon as after your first workout session. Your home workout for back muscles will help with a variety of aspects in your day to day life. While there are a ton of benefits, there are four major improvements you’ll be able to pick up on easily.


1. Better Posture

Since your back muscles are crucial to maintaining back and shoulder alignment, working out your back muscles will actively help your posture as well.

Many of the positions you’re in for back exercises require that you square your shoulders and keep your back straight. This naturally trains your body to maintain better posture while exercising, which then carries over into your day to day life.

Secondly, your back muscles become stronger and more firm. Therefore, tightening and straightening out your posture just from growing and becoming more toned. This is one of the best benefits to your at home workout for back.


2. Less Back Pain

Mild chronic back pain is often the result of pressure being put on the spine due to poor posture. As your posture corrects itself from working your back muscles, you’ll notice less back pain as your body is properly distributing the weight and pressure being put on the spine on a day to day basis.


3. Slimmer Appearing Waist

While it might not burn off belly fat, simply working the back muscles can help lead to a more V-shaped upper body. The tighter and more toned your back muscles are, the tighter they’ll pull everything else into place. This means less rolling of the abdominal area from having a hunched back or poor posture, leading to an overall slimmer appearance in the waist area.


4. Increased Strength

Your back has some of the largest muscles in your entire body. Your back muscles play a role in many of your body’s movement, either being used as the active muscle in the case of things like carrying, lifting, or pulling or secondary when they’re being used to balance and positioning.

Working out your back muscles will, in turn, make them stronger, leading to overall better performance with physical activities.


Best Home Workout For Back

This section is going to be split up into 2 different categories of equipment and no equipment, depending on your preference. While most of no equipment exercises can be done without free weights, there are a few you may want a little bit of extra resistance.


Home Workout For Back With Equipment

For a home workout for back you’ll really want a few pieces of equipment to make it worth it. After a few body weight back exercises you’ll need more weight for progressive overload to grow.


These 2 are the most basic pieces of equipment to start with. Once you’ve done several weeks of bodyweight pullups (and their variations) and resistance band work then a good next step is to invest in a weighted vest so you can keep getting stronger; this is good even for women as they progress.


Home workout for back:

For all exercises listed perform 3 sets of 12 reps.

  • Commando pullups
  • Resistance band rows
  • Overhand pullups
  • Resistance band reverse flies
  • Underhand pullups
  • Resistance band biceps curls


Home Workout For Back Without Equipment

For all exercises listed perform 3 sets of 12 reps.


Push Up Holds

This is a very easy exercise with no weights required. There are technically three types of push up holds: high, middle, low. Since we’re working on the back muscles, we’re going to focus on the most difficult of the three, the low push up hold.

You want to start by getting into your normal push up position, keeping your hands squared about shoulder-width apart, keeping your back straight, and activating your core muscles. From there just do a normal push up, but stop about an inch off the ground and hold your position. Keep your core and back tight, and hold the position for about ten counts. Then push back up to your starting position to reset.


Plank With Lateral Arm Raise

Similar to the push up hold, you’ll only need your body weight for this one. Start in a plank position, tightening and activating your core. From there, lift one arm straight out and to the side and hold for 5 counts before resetting. Once you’ve reset, repeat with the other arm. You can also lift your arm forward to work slightly different muscle groups as well.


Floor T-Raises/Back Flies

For this exercise, lay face down on a fitness mat or pad, and extend your arms out in a T-pose. Point your thumbs up and lift your arms up, pinching your back together and hold for one second before lowering them back down to the ground. Repeat for about ten reps before resting.


Standing Flies

Similar to the floor back flies, you’ll be working a similar muscle group. Stand with your hands forward, holding two weights (one in each hand). Bend your back so that your chest is almost parallel with the floor, letting the weights hang down. Keeping your elbows straight, spread your arms apart into a T-pose, reaching full flexion, and pinching your shoulder blades together. Hold the pose for about 1-2 seconds, and then reset to your starting position.



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The information in this article is for educational and entertainment reasons, it should not be interpreted as medical advice or as a recommendation for a specific treatment. Always talk to your doctor and in the event of a medical emergency one should seek the help of a qualified and licensed health care provider.

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